K-9 Deputy Sheriff Kane’s Retirement

Springfield, TN (July 1st, 2019) The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office would like to announce the retirement of K-9 Deputy Sheriff Kane, who has served Robertson County from October 5th, 2012 to June 28th, 2019.

In his 7 years of service, K-9 Kane has contributed to 433 arrests and citations, 988 searches, 1,093 other unit/agency assists, 379 incidents of narcotics found, and 138 school searches. In addition, K-9 Kane has had countless positive contacts with the public as part of his daily patrols. K-9 Kane will retire with his handler, Detective Brett Keck.

“K-9 Deputy Sheriff Kane will be missed here at the Sheriff’s Office. He was an important part of the Sheriff’s Office team. He has been a great asset for serving and protecting the citizens of Robertson County. We know that he will have a happy retirement with his handler, Detective Brett Keck,” stated Sheriff Michael Van Dyke.